We are migrating Vianova ID to Trimble ID, please visit https://np.trimble.com to create a Trimble ID and follow the steps to link your Vianvova ID.

Please check these links for more info: Novapoint GO users, Easy Access users, Novapoint IDS users

About Vianova ID

A Vianova ID is your user account for everything you do online with Vianova: set out log points with your Novapoint GO app, check your Novapoint Usermeeting schedule, follow up on projects with QuadriDCM Easy Access, and more.

QuadriDCM Easy Access

Vianova ID is used as an identification for QuadriDCM Easy Access. It is a unique, personal and global ID that makes you the same "person" on every project you use it for. It could be on an owner's Easy Access user list or at another consultancy company's Easy Access user list.

When you sign in on QuadriDCM Easy Access, you will see projects from multiple QuadriDCM servers, as long as your Vianova ID has been granted access to these different projects. Which Vianova ID that has access to which projects, is controlled by the administrator of each company in their Easy Access configuration.

Novapoint GO

If you use the Novapoint GO app, your Vianova ID will also be your user identification there.


Vianova ID is not used as a user identification towards a QuadriDCM model. That user identification is inside the Quadri Model Manager.