We are migrating Vianova ID to Trimble ID, please visit https://np.trimble.com to create a Trimble ID and follow the steps to link your Vianvova ID.

Please check these links for more info: Novapoint GO users, Easy Access users, Novapoint IDS users

My Vianova ID

A Vianova ID is your user account for everything you do online with Vianova: set out log points with your Novapoint GO app, check your Novapoint Usermeeting schedule, follow up on projects with QuadriDCM Easy Access, and more.

Learn more about Vianova ID »

Manage your Vianova ID

Change preferences, edit settings, and keep your details current.

Reset your password »

Create a Vianova ID

Signing up is quick, easy, and gives you access to all things Vianova.

Online Courses  »

Try our new online courses! Only available in Norway for now.


NovapointDCM Viewer  »

Our free version of NovapointDCM.


QuadriDCM Easy Access  »

Follow up on your projects everywhere you are.


Trimble Novapoint GO  »

Set out log points on-the-go.